Hatha Yoga

Aug 30, 2024Classes0 comments

Instructor: Colleen Dibden

Fee:(8 weeks – $90+$15 non-members)

Date: Fridays 10am-11am,

Sept 20/ Sept27/ Oct 4/Oct 11/Oct 18/Oct 25/Nov 1/Nov 8/

Register: https://forms.gle/hD4c3DujtGNE31NcA

Class Description:

Hatha yoga is an ancient form of practice that includes asanas (yoga postures) and pranayama
(breathing exercises) which help build the mind/body connection and create a greater sense of
ease and calm. Hatha yoga improves focus and concentration, flexibility, balance and
coordination. “This is a mixed level class suitable for all levels.”

Yoga mat
A water bottle
Comfortable clothing

Instructor Bio: 

Colleen has been a student of yoga for several decades. She completed her 200 hr Yoga Teacher
Training in Edmonton at Prana Yoga Studio in 2015 and her 300 hr at Prana in 2020. She is also
certified at the 300 hr level with the Yoga Association of Alberta. She is trained in the Akhanada
lineage with Yogi Vishviketu of Rishikesh in India.
“Yoga teaches us that nothing in life is permanent and that within every new moment there is
potential for growth and change”.
Colleen is passionate about change, she brings this enthusiasm, along with compassion and
sensitivity to her work as a yoga teacher.

Contact programmedirector@cloverdalecommunity.com for further information

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