On Friday, September 18, 2020 neighbours, families and friends gathered outdoors at the
Cloverdale Community League (CCL) hall for games, picnics, music from the Edmonton
Symphony Orchestra brass quintet and a screening of the movie “Up”. All this was pulled off in a family
friendly and COVID-19 safe manner to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Cloverdale
Community League. Thanks to Michelle K. and other volunteers for hosting such a great

The Cloverdale neighbourhood is one of Edmonton’s oldest and in 1920 a group of visionaries formed the Bennett School Community League, one of the original eight that were formed at the time. Since then the mantle of building community passed to the CCL. Current CCL members thank previous and current volunteers for the countless hours that they contributed year after year to build Cloverdale into the vibrant caring community it is today.
The CCL boasts an array of amenities for neighbours – an outdoor skating rink, spray park, playground, easy access to Gallagher Park, the North Saskatchewan river valley and the Edmonton Ski Club.
The recently renovated community hall is fully accessible and features many energy efficiency features such as a high efficiency HVAC system, upgrades windows, doors and insulation which all make the hall more comfortable and cheaper to operate.
A 19.2 kW solar energy array produces renewable electricity and also helps pay the bills by exporting excess electricity back to the grid. The very active Community Garden club produces a wide variety of fresh produces for the individual plot holders. The club also donates produce to the Edmonton Food Bank every season.
We’re all looking forward to the next century of neighbour building!