Programs And Activities
Our Activities

Book Club
Last WEDNDESNDAY of the month @ 19:00 -21:00
Contact for further information

Walking Club
Tuesdays @ 9:30am
If you would like to get out and explore the river valley with a like-minded group of Cloverdale residents, please join the Tuesday walking group, which meets at 9:30 am each Tuesday by the sign board in front of the hall. (Summer start: 9:00 am).
Contact for further information.

BYOI – Bring your own instrument.
Jamming sessions for guitarists, singers, drummers etc. Spoons and any other musical instruments welcome. Song suggestions welcome from A Horse with No Name to Zombie
Contact for further information

Ladies of Cloverdale
Meet your neighbours in a casual setting with some wine (or your beverage of choice!) Go to “Ladies of Cloverdale” on Facebook and ask to join.
Contact for further information

Babies, Toddlers and their Caregivers
First Wednesday of each month 1:00 to 2:30 pm
Contact for further information

Take a class!
From Yoga to preschool playgroup, the Cloverdale Community League offers classes and paid programming for all ages.