Have Snow? Get Shovelling with the Snow Angels!

Nov 21, 2022News0 comments

youth blows snow

Snow — the gift that keeps on giving. The CCL has partnered with youth in the neighbourhood and the City of Edmonton to shovel the front walks of seniors and others who may have difficulty shovelling snow this year. It’s free of charge!

“What’s the catch?” you may ask? “Nothing is free!” you may say!

While there is no cost to participating households, the youth are paid $10/snow event through a grant that the CCL received from the City of Edmonton.

Here’s what it takes to make it work for everybody:

  • Cloverdale youth sign up eligible household. They commit to shovel the walk across the front of the house and the sidewalk and steps up to the front door. The youth have the tools for the job.
  • Seniors and others may find shoveling challenging sign up to have their walks shovelled.
  • A Cloverdale neighbourhood partnership between the youth and the household.
  • The snow is the glue that keeps the partnership together.
  • The neighbourhood connection that’s created makes it all worthwhile.

We’re all winners in the 2022 Cloverdale Snow Angel program:

  • Youth and neighbours make community connections
  • We break barriers of isolation and build bridges
  • Youth gain valuable life experience — communications, responsibility, attention to detail
  • Neighbours get shovelled walks, friendly enthusiastic smiles
  • The neighbourhood is safer for everyone


Sign Up Today


Cloverdale Youth Application

Help your neighbours and make some money!

Seniors & folks with challenges

Sign up to get a helping hand with your snow removal!

Questions? Email the CCL at cclsnowangels@cloverdalecommunity.com

The fine print: Some restrictions apply. The grant guidelines stipulate that this program is for seniors and people with disabilities. Premises (e.g., condominiums, townhouses, businesses) that have snow removal contracts are not eligible.

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