Come to the 2022 AGM!

May 8, 2022News0 comments

What: The Cloverdale Community League Annual General Meeting

When: Monday, June 27, 2022, at 7pm

Where: The Community Hall

Who: Anyone who lives in Cloverdale is encouraged to attend!

Why: There’s a lot of cool things happening in your neighbourhood, and the AGM is your chance to hear about it AND have a say! Vote on major upcoming projects, elect the board, and maybe even join the board! (Yes, you!)


  1. Call to Order
  2. Land Acknowledgement
  3. Adoption of 2022 AGM Agenda
  4. Introductions
  5. Establish Quorum (minimum 10 members)
  6. Welcome and Intro of any guests
  7. Presentations
  8. Adoptions of 2021 AGM minutes as presented
  9. Business Arising from 2021 AGM
  10. President’s Report
  11. Treasurer’s Report
  12. Membership Fees
  13. Board Elections:
    1. President
    2. Civics
    3. Social
    4. Programs
    5. Communications
    6. Folk Fest Liaison Chair
  14. Confirmation of Committee Appointments
    1. Abundant Community – Neighbourhood Connector – Marilyn Mucha
    2. Casino – Braden Sustrik
    3. Edmonton Ski Club Liaison – VACANT
    4. Facility Committee – VACANT
    5. Flood Mitigation – Eric Lobay
    6. Gallagher Park Concept Plan – Kirsten Hannaford
    7. LRT – Graham Leggett
    8. Garden Club Chair – Jeanette has volunteered
    9. Membership – Marilyn Mucha
    10. Rink Maintenance Committee – Jordan Stuffco / Travis Bilou
    11. Seniors – VACANT
  15. Thank you to Ourgoing Board Members
  16. New Business
    1. Motion to Approve Rink Board Replacement / Improvements
    2. Call for volunteers for the CCL Red Green Crew: which is a group of volunteers to deal with incidental repairs and maintenance of CCL facilities of a timely basis, implement a preventative maintenance program for CCL facilities and recommend to the CCL board of directors’ larger capital projects including scope of work and recommendations of contractors.

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