Welcome to fall. We hope everyone had a safe, enjoyable summer and is ready for another exciting season in Cloverdale. We also extend welcome to new neighbours. The Cloverdale Community League (CCL) is an inclusive, welcoming organization that offers social and recreational activities for all ages – from preschoolers to seniors. Check out the CCL website ( to see what’s on offer this fall. And to register for programs, contact Janet at
One fall tradition CCL has is the annual general meeting (AGM). This year we want to try something different in order to make the meeting more accessible to individuals and families. First of all, the meeting will be held on Sunday, September 22, at 3PM, at the Cloverdale Community League hall. We hope the new time will enable more people to attend. Second, we plan to offer children’s activities on site so parents can attend and know their children are being minded. Community League memberships will be available prior to the
The CCL bylaws require 21-days of notice to league members for significant financial and other matters. This year, we have three motions to present to the membership. The exact motions are available in our AGM agenda. Otherwise, here’s the context for them.
1) Need for Executive Director It’s the CCL board’s view that the community has reached a point in its evolution where employing a part-time executive director is necessary. We feel we need this person to focus on the tactical stuff, like administration, grants, funding and program evaluation. We board volunteers don’t have the time or resources to be proactive and forward looking if we also tend to these matters.
2) Programming cost rethink Cost-free programming stretches back to 2015, when it was created on a trial. After inspecting the league’s finances, and given some shifts in income, the CCL board feels it’s time to revisit these fees. The rate of subsidy is currently 100 per cent. In the board’s view this is not sustainable. The intent of this motion is to allow the board to set program fees that are fiscally prudent but do not present barriers for participation.
3) Hall upgrades Our infrastructure upgrades at the hall over recent years have included HVAC work, new lights and solar panels. Now the aging hall needs a coat of paint and some repairs inside. We will table a motion at the AGM to spend money on this, depending on our ability to have the City of Edmonton match our spend through grants.
The CCL is a volunteer-driven organization. The purpose of the board is to be future-oriented, strategic and to manage the assets of the CCL in a financial responsible manner. We have a number of volunteer positions available for you to share your knowledge, skills and abilities. We encourage you to consider contributing your talents to the CCL.
The CCL board is looking to reduce the number of meetings as well as the time and effort required to serve on the league board. Several CCL members have already offered to serve in a number of positions, but there’s always room for more. There will be sign-up sheets available at the AGM to allow you to volunteer for a range of opportunities.
The number 85 bus — the sole route that picks up and drops off passengers within our neighbourhood — is not long for the world, though it’s unclear when the service will end. What is clear is your voice is needed to determine what comes next. The City of Edmonton is currently examining potential transit alternatives in neighbourhoods such as ours, where ridership is relatively low and the area is geographically difficult to serve. These alternatives could be anything from a smaller bus that one can order through an app to other solutions.
We with CCL hope you fill out the City of Edmonton survey on this matter and share your thoughts with transit planners. We worry about the far east portions of our community and the distances people will be required to walk to access transit in future. Hiking up the hill to catch the 8 or walking from 91 Street to Muttart LRT station will take far more than 10 minutes. Add your voice, please. See our Facebook page for a
link to the survey.

Our neighbourhood park hosts the Edmonton Folk Music Festival yearly. This year, unfortunately, the damage created by the festival and take down is extensive and concerning. The CCL board wants you to attend our AGM and offer your thoughts. We’ll set up flip charts to gather feedback. Please come and share. This engagement will dovetail with an upcoming City of Edmonton public engagement on concepts
for the future of Gallagher Park, on September 18. Put that date in your calendars.